Be a Leader – Be YOU
What expectations do you put on yourself as a teacher?
Discussing expectations of what it means to be a Pilates teacher is not a common topic in the Pilates industry. Nor is it discussed what it means to be a leader.
While it’s common to learn about anatomy, alignment, and special conditions, we rarely seek out what it means to be an educator. Yep, as a Pilates teacher, you’re an educator.
You teach movement. You teach mind-body connection. You’re a powerful source of health and wisdom for your clients. You are a leader, and your clients look to you for guidance, joy, and a healthy experience in their body.
However, when truly taken to heart this can come with a huge burden of responsibility. Once this responsibility dawns on teachers, several things can happen.
Unnecessary Expectations
Teachers become overwhelmed with creating the perfect program for their clients. They overspend their time in preparation and feel exhausted (even if still exhilarated) at the end of the workday due to their energy output.
Teachers feel they have to be a perfect model of Pilates. Have a certain body size or shape or image. Maybe they feel they should be able to perform all the exercises. Or do a Pilates workout every single day. All of these “images” creep up in the mind of what a Pilates teacher should do or look like.
Teachers think they have to help everyone. For example, when teachers begin their careers they are focused on helping as many people as possible. It’s just in our nature. You are a caregiver, healer, and passionate about how Pilates can transform the body. But suddenly it feels like you should know it all so that you can help everyone who comes across your path.
Know this… NONE of these things are necessary.
First, you do NOT have to have a perfectly designed program.
Second, you do NOT have to look any particular way.
Third, you do NOT have to help everyone.
Be a Leader – Be YOU
Let’s discuss what IS necessary to be a great Pilates leader and educator.
One. Be a Connector
Connect with your clients on a level that helps them feel understood! Perfectly designed programs be damned. If you have a good overall sense of programming, you do not have to pre-write anything. Go with your gut. Give your client what they need in the moment. Connect with their desires about their body health, and you’ll have a winner of a workout.
Two. Be You
Be exactly who you are so that you are relatable to your clients! Don’t try to mold yourself into what you think others expect a Pilates teacher to look like or be. Ditch that. Just be you. There is NO mold, NO standard image. There are NO expectations or check-ins for daily workouts. Being a great Pilates teacher means you are relatable and human, just like your clients. And the best clients actually love this about you.
Three. Teach who you love
Work with clients who you resonate with so that you enjoy your career! STOP trying to help everyone! It’s too much. This line of thinking creates overwhelm in a heartbeat. In other words, by figuring out the type of clients you enjoy teaching the most, you can steer your continuing education and research in that direction. You’ll be so much happier and won’t feel so wrung out.
Shift Your Mindset
When you change your mindset about expectations of what it means to be a Pilates teacher, you shift into becoming a leader. This leads to letting go of unnecessary expectations. You remember that you are there to serve your clients, but you also have to serve yourself and you’re so much happier for it. Your clients feel it, and you’ll end up being a better teacher because of it.
In short, keep putting your awesome self into the world.
Teach valuable movement.
Find your crew.
And be YOU.