Sitting on Reformer

First Reformer Exercise to Teach


The very first Reformer exercise every Pilates instructor should teach brand new clients is how to get on and off the carriage for Footwork, or any supine exercise really.


But first, let me ask you this, did anyone ever teach YOU how to get on and off the Reformer? If not, no problem. I’ve got you covered in the video below. And if this was not part of your training, it’s okay if you’ve never thought to go through this with your clients.


First Reformer Exercise

Teaching brand new clients how to get ON and OFF the carriage for the very first Reformer exercise truly sets them up for success right from the start.


You’re giving them direction on how to feel comfortable with their body and the equipment. This is client empowerment! And sets the tone for their session.


Immediately they know you’ve got their back and will help them be successful with this strange contraption they’ve heard so much about.


What happens when you don’t teach this move

On the flip side, here’s what happens when clients don’t learn how to get on and off the Reformer on their first day (or ever!)…


They clunk their way down. Shimmy to figure out where to put their butt, where to put their shoulders and head, grunt and groan and fumble to find their place on the carriage.


It’s uncomfortable to watch, but even more uncomfortable to experience. AND, even more awkward moves tend to occur when they try to get up.


Unfortunately, this experience can leave clients feeling like a failure with this new piece of equipment, no matter how awesome the entire session was in between. 


The value of setting the stage

Efficiency and ease definitely come with practice. But teaching and demonstrating this move right from the get-go sets the stage for your clients.


You’re telling them through this very first Reformer exercise that you can help them be successful. In using the apparatus, AND in learning how to move their body.


Even more importantly, they learn to trust you and that you’ve got their back. Without a doubt, you’re setting them up for success with the very first thing you teach them.


Clients will never forget how to get on and off the Reformer after this lesson. It’s a skill they’ll remember you taught them. And they’ll use it again and again with every class in the future.


What an impactful way to make a first impression! Your brand new clients are sure to be excited and ready for their next Reformer session.


To view a demonstration of how to teach getting on and off the Reformer, watch the video below.


Ginny Massie breaks down the complexities of teaching movement for heart-centered Pilates instructors so they can help their clients get big results. Her trainings offer formulas and strategies that simplify dynamic concepts, are easy to follow, and FUN! Get the free PDF "5 Biggest Cueing Mistakes Pilates Teachers Make - And What To Do Instead" Guide Here

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